Put apps to work

Don't waste your time reinventing the accounting wheel. Our apps keep you in touch with the numbers. What's more, your results are always at your fingertips because you always have access to your records.

The Lantern

This app becomes your financial portal. You scan, email or upload your documents. The Lantern puts it all straight into your accounts. Our accountants can immediately start making adjustments and optimisations.

The Rose

Billing? It has to be done. And thanks to this app, it can even be fun. Create an invoice, send it digitally, follow up and send reminders: everything is in the right flow right from the start. And at the touch of a button, the documents are in our system.

The Binoculars

This app focuses on analysis. Here you can easily compare overall budgets and overall results. You shine a light on analytical budgets and results. Make forecasts. All in real time.